L&L Skin 150ml Moisture Massage Gel
What it is L&L Skin Moisture Massage Gel is specifically formulated to deliver the best results with L&L Skin devices and necessary for treatment.Using a variety of natural plant extracts, this...



Cruelty- Free

What it is
L&L Skin Moisture Massage Gel is specifically formulated to deliver the best results with L&L Skin devices and necessary for treatment.Using a variety of natural plant extracts, this massage gel can achieve anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, improve circulation dark spot fading effects.
- Anti-Aging
- Removes aging and dead skin cells
- Anti-inflammatory
- Improve circulation
Key Natural Ingredients

Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf extract
Improves circulation

Vaccinium myrtillus leaf extract
Anti-aging, soothing

Prunus yedoensis leaf extract
How to use
1.CLEANSE: Clean your skin where you want to do treatment
2.APPLY THE GEL: Apply a thin layer of the Massage Gel evenly
3.USE YOUR DEVICE: Use your L&L Skin device on the skin and glide gently.